
Unknown devices connected to my router
Unknown devices connected to my router

Everything has been working fine for the most part but when i logged into to manage my router which I do every day I noticed in offline devices I have 3 devices that say they were connected by ethernet and only have mac addresses. That requires a wireless security protocol - but which one? I’ll cover that in my next post.I have a technicolor cgm4140com that comcast gave me to connect to the internet. Now that you’ve identified the party crashers on your network, you need to give them the boot and ensure they can’t get back in. Click on the “Computer Name” tab and click the ”Change” button to edit your system’s hostname to a more descriptive title - like “DiningRoomPC” or “MagicalFloatingLaptop,” for example. Regardless, you’ll soon reach the System Properties window. Depending on your version of the OS, you might have to first click on the “Change Settings” option under the “Computer Name” section. In Windows, this is as easy as going to Control Panel and clicking on the System icon. This example also illustrates why you should always assign your own systems legitimate hostnames whenever possible, which will help you more easily identify your own systems on your network (and separate verified devices from interlopers). But you can at least tell how “open” you’ve let your network become. Other than that, you don’t have much recourse for matching the exact identity of a MAC address with a person. To find out the exact identity of these devices, as well as their owners, you could write down the listed MAC addresses and ask all your guests to hand over their wireless devices for a comparison - an effective but party-pooping technique. And a few of these might simply say, “UNKNOWN.” A few of these entries might give you some kind of description in the “Hostname” field, like “Android” for a smartphone or the actual name you or a guest has assigned his or her system. Scroll to the bottom of the “Network Settings” page, and you’ll see a small table representing the systems to which your router has dynamically assigned an IP address. Look for a navigation element on the left sidebar that’s called “Network Settings,” or some derivative of the phrase depending on your exact router model, and click that. Access your router’s Web-based configuration screen by typing the router’s IP address (D-Link routers typically use into the address bar of a Web browser, and then log in to the gateway. More importantly, it gives you some peace of mind to see that nobody has managed to break in your network’s back door when you weren’t looking.ĭiscovering systems connected to a D-Link router is super easy.

unknown devices connected to my router

You get a refresh of just how many people and devices you’ve authorized to use your protected network at any given time. In all sincerity, there’s a good reason to check and see to just how many devices your router has currently assigned IP addresses.

Unknown devices connected to my router